Teaching Aptitute

By L. Dee Fink
Each year faculty members in institutions of higher education take on the task of teaching others. For most of these people, this is a recurring task. In fact, for the majority, this is the central task of a life-long career. Assuming that no one is perfect and therefore everyone has room for improvement, evaluation is the means by which we try to identify which aspects of our teaching are good and which need to be changed. The question then arises as to who should take responsibility for doing this evaluation. My belief is that evaluation is an inherent part of good teaching. Therefore it is the teacher himself or herself who should take primary responsibility for doing the evaluation. This chapter offers a basic definition of evaluation, state a few reasons why one should invest time and effort into evaluation, describe five techniques for evaluation, and identify resources for helping us evaluate and improve our teaching.

Logic and Errors

Methodlogy and Concepts:
Statement: statement is generally meant group of words that have meaning but in the logic statement group of words that have two terms, first term is used under subject and the second term under predicate. the statements in logic are called prepositions or premis

Premises: the premises that has the major term is callled major premises and the premises that has the minor term is called minor premise.