
Important Questions for UGC-NET English

  1. Battle of Hastings was decided in the year 1066 A.D.
  2. The alternative title for the play ‘All For Love’ is ‘The World Well Lost’.
  3. Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria means ‘literary biography’.
  4. In Paradise Lost among the fallen angles Belial came last.
  5. In 1611 King James Version of Bible is Published also called complete Bible.
  6. The sub-title of Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience is ‘showing the two contrary states of the human soul.’
  7. Tales in Canterbury Tales which are Chaucer’s own: Tale of Malibeus and The Parson’s Tale.
  8. Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley.
  9. The three principles of the French Revolution are ‘liberty, equality, and fraternity’.
  10. Empedocles on Etna is a drama of Mathew Arnold.
  11. Literally ‘Astrophel’ means ‘one enamoured of the star’ and ‘Stella’ which is a hat in term, means ‘star’.
  12. Coleridge’s play is Remorse.
  13. Shakespeare performed in The Globe.
  14. Elizabethan revenge tragedies – Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy.
  15. Poets mentioned in Dr. Johnson’s Lives of the Poets (1767) –Dryden, Gay, Cowley.
  16. Who founded “Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood” are D.G. Rosette, William Holman Hunt, Ford Maddox Brown, and the painter Millais.
  17. Two blank verse tragedies of the Restoration Period.are John Crown’s Caligula and Thyestes. Dryden’s All for Love or,The World Well Lost.
  18. William Morris is the author of ‘The Earthly Paradise.
  19. Areopagitiea is an important prose work by Milton.
  20. Ralph Roister Doister, written by Nicholas Udall is the first extant English Comedy.
  21. Elizabeth Barrett Browning is the author of ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’.
  22. An Essay on Man” is a poem writer by pope.
  23. The full name of Browning’s wife is Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
  24. Emily Bronte only novel is ‘Weathering Heights’.
  25. The English philosopher and statesman of the 16thcentury Thomas More imagined an ideal state in Utopia
  26. ‘The Lion, Angel and Lamb’ signify in Act-iii of She sloops to Conquer were the names of the inn rooms.
  27. The sonnet sequence ‘Amoretti’ written by Edmund Spenser consists of 89 sonnets.
  28. Curragh is a small Irish fishing boat.
  29. “Mammon” is a Syria word that means ‘riches’ or wealth. He was believed to be the God of riches.
  30. ‘The Rake’s Progress in Act-iv of ‘She Stoops to Conquer’ is a famous set of prints by the artist William Hogarth depicting the progressive ruin of young man including in the pursuit of pleasure.
  31. In Major Barbara  the seven millstones that are to be lifted from ‘man’s neck’ are – food, clothing, taxes, rent, children, respectability and shelter.
  32. Spenser composed Epithlamion as a wedding gift to Elizabeth Boyle.
  33. ‘White board’ that Maurya buys symbolically suggestive of death.
  34. Thomas Shadwell, a rivel poet of Dryden, used tautology in his literary works.
  35. Spinning wheel and oilskins were used by the Aran islanders which show that were very primitive.
  36. The word ‘Pandemonium’ literally means ‘the home  of all the demons.' Mulciber was the architect of the Pandemonium in Paradise Lost Book-1.
  37. Mermaids are imaginary creatures upward human and downward fish. They are belived to produce sweet songs that soothes every one.
  38. The word “New fangleness” means objectionable novelty that replaces something good and old.
  39. Sidney was incapable of writhing poetry. Not a single word flow from his pen. Sidney regarded his pen as truant as if it is not obeying his commands.